massage @ YAU CAFE

A peaceful vibe with Japanese décor encourages you to take it slow,
enjoy a massage journey filled with roasting aroma. 

We offer 50 / 60 mins head, neck and shoudler massage service,
clients can choose our service package according to their needs. 

YAU CAFE offers "massage for your heart" activity on every Thursday, 
clients can come to read a book with a sip of coffee, 
enjoy the peaceful vibe and sunshine here.

Outreach Massage Service

Reservation of outreach massage service and corporate packages available.

Find us at



Enjoying massage at cafe is interesting and relaxing.
How about having such relaxing service in a book store
or even at your workplace?

To know more about YAU massage in the community.

more details

Notice to clients of massage service


Before Massage

Persons with the following disease(s)/condition(s) are not recommended to receive any massage services:

- Children under the age of 12, pregnant women, individuals who are extremely exhausted, extremely frail, unconscious, extremely anxious, or extremely irritable.

- Heart disease, malignant tumors, fractures, internal bleeding, bleeding trauma, skin diseases (such as: eczema, ringworm, herpes, abscesses, etc.), damaged skin, burns, bone tuberculosis, arthritis caused by purulent bacteria, thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, etc.  You should not be overly full, hungry, have drunk alcohol, or exercised vigorously before receiving massages.

- If you have special health conditions, such as pregnant, heart disease, asthma, dermatoses, cold, allergies, blood disease, abnormal blood pressure, epilepsy, under medication, implanting cardiac pacemaker or metallic materials. Please inform and declare to our staff so that we can make appropriate arrangements


During Massage

- If you feel unwell or have any other unusual reactions during massage services, you should seek medical advice immediately

- The pressure varies among people, you can communicate with masseur for further arrangement

- For better therapeutic effects, smoking and drinking are not allow during the massage service

- Photography and video are strictly prohibited except with the prior written permission of YAU CAFE


After Massage

Possible physical

- A slight soreness in the body is generally normal after massage. It may due to the following reason(s);

i. some of the muscles are already strained or tired; or
ii. the muscles are not used to the massage for the first time; or
iii. the muscles are rigid, thus the massager needs to press these acupoints harder to help the muscles relax, etc.

- The soreness of the body after massage varies from person to person, but generally lasts for about one to two days. When you receive massage constantly, muscles will gradually relax or adapt, and the soreness will gradually ease or disappear

- Drinking warm water helps to facilitate detoxification of the body is recommended

Note: If you continue to feel unwell or have other unusual reactions, seek medical attention as soon as possible for safety.